In An Effort to Better Serve You, With Continuous Improvement in Mind

  • In An Effort to Better Serve You, With Continuous Improvement in Mind

    Posted by Leslie Cook (Adm) on July 10, 2020 at 9:38 am

    Dear UAI Members:

    In an effort to better serve you, Utility Analytics Institute is conducting a short research study designed to understand your information needs and how we can best meet those needs. As a token of our appreciation, each participant may enter a drawing to win one of four $100 Visa gift cards!

    Please click here to take the survey!

    The survey should take about 10 minutes to complete. Thank you for your time and consideration!

    Your member advocate, 



    Leslie Cook
    Membership & Digital Engagement Manager
    Utility Analytics Institute (UAI)

    Martin Richardson replied 4 years, 6 months ago 3 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Leslie Cook (Adm)

    July 13, 2020 at 4:18 am

    Hello UAI Members,

    I want to bring @Tricia question posted 12 days ago to the top​ of the list. Tricia asks the following… can anyone help her? 

    “Is anyone using AI to automate contract reviews?  If so, I would appreciate hearing your experience!  Our legal and supply chain people want to look into this and are curious to hear what other utilities are doing in this area.”

    Thanks so much!


    Leslie Cook
    Membership & Digital Engagement Manager
    Utility Analytics Institute (UAI)
    Original Message:
    Sent: 07-01-2020 10:19
    From: Tricia Roelofs
    Subject: Contract Reviews

    Is anyone using AI to automate contract reviews?  If so, I would appreciate hearing your experience!  Our legal and supply chain people want to look into this and are curious to hear what other utilities are doing in this area.

    Tricia Roelofs
    Director, Enterprise Data and Analytics
    Knoxville TN

  • Leslie Cook (Adm)

    July 13, 2020 at 4:26 am

    Hello UAI Members,

    I want to bring the following question to the top of the list, posted by @Ben 17 days ago… Does anyone have input?

    “Has any one thought about Work From Home (WFH) analytics. What data to collect and what analytics to do? First thing that comes to my mind is how do WFH logged in hours compare with pre-Covid logged in time. Same thing for queries, Help Desk calls etc. There is probably a lot of interesting, if not valuable information out there.

    Thanks again!


    Leslie Cook
    Membership & Digital Engagement Manager
    Utility Analytics Institute (UAI)
    Original Message:
    Sent: 06-26-2020 07:59
    From: Ben Ettlinger
    Subject: WFH Analytics

    Has any one thought about WFH analytics. What data to collect and what analytics to do? First thing that comes tom mind is how do WFH logged in hours compare with pre-Covid logged in time. Same thing for queries, Help Desk calls etc. There is probably a lot of interesting, if not valuable information out there.

    Ben Ettlinger
    Emerging Technologies
    Enterprise Architecture & Engineering Group
    New York Power Authority
    White Plains, NY
    914 681 6496

  • Ron Capute

    July 13, 2020 at 5:01 am

    My department is looking at some low level analysis on productivity.  Since we use the Agile methodology, we base our accomplishments on story points per sprint.  I haven’t seen the final results from the study but I know my teams have had little to no variation.  In my organization it seems the IT teams can work well remotely.

    Ron Capute
    Sr Project Manager
    Florida Power & Light
    Jupiter FL
    Original Message:
    Sent: 07-13-2020 16:25
    From: Leslie Cook
    Subject: WFH Analytics

    Hello UAI Members,

    I want to bring the following question to the top of the list, posted by @Ben 17 days ago… Does anyone have input?

    “Has any one thought about Work From Home (WFH) analytics. What data to collect and what analytics to do? First thing that comes to my mind is how do WFH logged in hours compare with pre-Covid logged in time. Same thing for queries, Help Desk calls etc. There is probably a lot of interesting, if not valuable information out there.

    Thanks again!


    Leslie Cook
    Membership & Digital Engagement Manager
    Utility Analytics Institute (UAI)

    Original Message:
    Sent: 06-26-2020 07:59
    From: Ben Ettlinger
    Subject: WFH Analytics

    Has any one thought about WFH analytics. What data to collect and what analytics to do? First thing that comes tom mind is how do WFH logged in hours compare with pre-Covid logged in time. Same thing for queries, Help Desk calls etc. There is probably a lot of interesting, if not valuable information out there.

    Ben Ettlinger
    Emerging Technologies
    Enterprise Architecture & Engineering Group
    New York Power Authority
    White Plains, NY
    914 681 6496

  • Martin Richardson

    July 13, 2020 at 5:31 am

    Hi Ron,

    At FortisBC we are not capturing hard data for analytics around this since our focus was elsewhere.  Also, I’m not sure a single small utility would gather enough data to be meaningful.  Having said that it is clear that some departments have adapted well to working remotely such as IS, Legal, Finance, Accounting etc while others are struggling with the lack of in person connections such as Sales, Communications, HR, etc.  I would be interested if someone has productivity benchmarks from before Covid to compare to during Covid.

    Thanks for the question,

    Martin Richardson
    Business Architect
    Surrey BC
    Original Message:
    Sent: 07-13-2020 17:00
    From: Ron Capute
    Subject: WFH Analytics

    My department is looking at some low level analysis on productivity.  Since we use the Agile methodology, we base our accomplishments on story points per sprint.  I haven’t seen the final results from the study but I know my teams have had little to no variation.  In my organization it seems the IT teams can work well remotely.

    Ron Capute
    Sr Project Manager
    Florida Power & Light
    Jupiter FL

    Original Message:
    Sent: 07-13-2020 16:25
    From: Leslie Cook
    Subject: WFH Analytics

    Hello UAI Members,

    I want to bring the following question to the top of the list, posted by @Ben 17 days ago… Does anyone have input?

    “Has any one thought about Work From Home (WFH) analytics. What data to collect and what analytics to do? First thing that comes to my mind is how do WFH logged in hours compare with pre-Covid logged in time. Same thing for queries, Help Desk calls etc. There is probably a lot of interesting, if not valuable information out there.

    Thanks again!


    Leslie Cook
    Membership & Digital Engagement Manager
    Utility Analytics Institute (UAI)

    Original Message:
    Sent: 06-26-2020 07:59
    From: Ben Ettlinger
    Subject: WFH Analytics

    Has any one thought about WFH analytics. What data to collect and what analytics to do? First thing that comes tom mind is how do WFH logged in hours compare with pre-Covid logged in time. Same thing for queries, Help Desk calls etc. There is probably a lot of interesting, if not valuable information out there.

    Ben Ettlinger
    Emerging Technologies
    Enterprise Architecture & Engineering Group
    New York Power Authority
    White Plains, NY
    914 681 6496

  • Martin Richardson

    July 13, 2020 at 5:39 am

    Hi Tricia,

    At FortisBC we are considering a similar project that would use AI Natural Language Processing (NLP) to monitor the companies responses to public questions.  FortisBC reports to a regulatory commission and must submit large projects to them for approval.  Part of this process allows anyone to  ask for information about the project or FortisBC in general. (Information Requests or IR’s).  FortisBC responds to hundreds of these each year and would like to ensure that a consistent, accurate, approved message is being sent out in reply as the question may be asked multiple times in slightly different ways by multiple people.  The only ways to manage this is either keeping a log of all responses with a large amount of meta data for searching or using AI to interpret the actual intent of the question and response to look for preexisting pairs.
    when we make progress on this I will put up a post.  If you make any progress please let us all know.

    Thanks for the question,

    Martin Richardson
    Business Architect
    Surrey BC
    Original Message:
    Sent: 07-13-2020 16:17
    From: Leslie Cook
    Subject: Contract Reviews

    Hello UAI Members,

    I want to bring @Tricia question posted 12 days ago to the top​ of the list. Tricia asks the following… can anyone help her?

    “Is anyone using AI to automate contract reviews?  If so, I would appreciate hearing your experience!  Our legal and supply chain people want to look into this and are curious to hear what other utilities are doing in this area.”

    Thanks so much!


    Leslie Cook
    Membership & Digital Engagement Manager
    Utility Analytics Institute (UAI)

    Original Message:
    Sent: 07-01-2020 10:19
    From: Tricia Roelofs
    Subject: Contract Reviews

    Is anyone using AI to automate contract reviews?  If so, I would appreciate hearing your experience!  Our legal and supply chain people want to look into this and are curious to hear what other utilities are doing in this area.

    Tricia Roelofs
    Director, Enterprise Data and Analytics
    Knoxville TN

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