Introducing… Best Visualization of the Month Contest – August 2020

  • Introducing… Best Visualization of the Month Contest – August 2020

    Posted by Leslie Cook (Adm) on August 3, 2020 at 4:34 am

    Dear UAI Members,

    In collaboration with the UAI Connect Ambassadors — a team of member volunteers that help drive engagement and encourage member collaboration on UAI Connect — UAI will be implementing a new monthly contest on the Ask Your Network forum on UAI Connect. Each month, we will post a themed “Best Visualization of the Month” contest. The monthly theme will be selected by our UAI Connect Ambassadors. We also encourage you to submit your ideas for monthly themes on an ongoing basis. You can submit those to me at or just post your ideas on the Ask Your Network discuss forum.

    This monthly contest is set-up to encourage you to post your data visualizations in regard to the given month’s theme. All during the month, we hope you will reply to that month’s contest post to share your data visualizations (no matter how simple, functional, elaborate, or complicated) and include a short description as it relates to your visualization. You can attached your visualization to your reply or embed it within the reply.

    One week prior to the end of the month, we will reply to the post with a survey link that will poll members to select their favorite visualization. When selecting your favorite each month, consider criteria like, how automated is the visualization, where is the visualization pulling the data, how easy is the visualization to understand, etc. (of course this criteria is not required, but we wanted to pass along some example criteria to consider while selecting your favorite visualization).

    We will close the poll at the end of the day on the last business day of the month. We will announce the member favorite at the beginning of the next month. The member favorite will receive pride and glory, bragging rights, and a $10 Starbucks gift card! Our hope is this will be a valuable monthly exercise that is an opportunity to share and learn from one another, help encourage a little spirit of competition, and that you will have some fun!

    The first monthly “Best Visualization of the Month” theme for August is COVID 19 Dashboards! Please reply, starting now, to this post to share your internal visualizations that you use to track COVID 19. I will send out a survey link on Monday, August 24, 2020 to submit your votes for your favorite visualization for August. I will announce the member favorite visualization on Tuesday, September 1, 2020 and I will also post the next theme on this day.

    Let the games begin!

    Have fun, 


    Leslie Cook
    Membership & Digital Engagement Manager
    Utility Analytics Institute (UAI)

    Leslie Cook (Adm) replied 4 years, 5 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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