The Voices of Experience | Artificial Intelligence Guide

  • The Voices of Experience | Artificial Intelligence Guide

    Posted by Leslie Cook (Adm) on August 19, 2020 at 2:07 am

    Hello UAI Members, 

    The Voices of Experience | Artificial Intelligence guide is live on at

    The concept of artificial intelligence (AI) is nearing a century in age and many recent disruptions across industries are built on a backbone of AI. Yet, to many, the concept is still a relative black box. AI sounds like a transformational solution to challenges, but what happens on the inside to make it work?

    Today, the complexity of the utility operating environment is expanding rapidly and utilities have no choice but to operate more efficiently and effectively to meet customer needs, adapt to the increasing need for resiliency, navigate the growing environmental challenges, and manage the changing energy mix. This market is a rife environment for AI to proliferate, and a growing number of utilities are on the precipice of transformation because of it, which is the topic of this Voices of Experience guide.

    Voices of Experience is an initiative sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Electricity’s Advanced Grid Research group designed to bring utilities together to share their knowledge, insights and lessons learned through implementing the emerging technology that is reshaping the electric power industry.

    The information in this guide came directly from utility staff who are working through the challenges of building internal skill sets, investing in a new set of technologies to access and manage more data than ever before, and demonstrating its value to their organizations. Utilities engaged in developing AI capabilities have learned lessons and gained insights along the way that can be applied to other utilities preparing for the data-driven future. The goal of this guide is to provide information that might not be accessible elsewhere-the kind you might get from talking to a colleague at a neighboring utility.

    Download the report



    Leslie Cook
    Membership & Digital Engagement Manager
    Utility Analytics Institute (UAI)

    Leslie Cook (Adm) replied 4 years, 5 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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