Call for Nominations NOW OPEN for 2021 UAI Excellence Awards!

  • Call for Nominations NOW OPEN for 2021 UAI Excellence Awards!

    Posted by Leslie Cook (Adm) on February 3, 2021 at 10:02 am

    Good Morning, UAI Members,

    We are excited to announce the Call for Nominations are NOW OPEN for the 2021 UAI Excellence Awards!
    Deadline to submit is June 30, 2021.  

    Nomination Form button

    Use the above nomination form to express your intent to apply for or nominate someone for a UAI Excellence Award.
    Perhaps you have questions about the award or need help with completing the nomination form for the award. Complete this form and the UAI team will reach out to you to provide help and support. Otherwise, please complete your full official nomination form for each award online at

    After a successful inaugural year for the UAI Excellence Awards (check out the 2020 winners!), we can’t wait to see who is standing on top of the world during 2021. UAI honors the best in the utility analytics profession, recognizing the individuals, teams, and organizations that have achieved and maintained excellence through innovation. And every finalist gets one free pass to attend the awards ceremony, hosted at Utility Analytics Week, which takes place October 13-15, 2021 in Dallas, TX at the Gaylord Texan!

    Standing on Top of the World theme for UAI Excellence Awards

    Mark your calendars with the June 30 deadline! Please let me know if you have any questions.



    Leslie Cook
    Membership & Digital Engagement Manager
    Utility Analytics Institute (UAI)

    Gary Rector replied 3 years, 11 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Gary Rector

    February 3, 2021 at 12:36 pm

    Hi Kate,

    I think this is a great question because it highlights several competing aspects of using big data, demonstrating why there is no simple answer:

    • Regulatory or policy requirements: our organization’s policy is to keep no more than three years of PII data
    • Practicality of storage and retrieval: our data lake can handle more than seven-years-worth of AMI 15-minute interval data
    • Relevance of historical data: the pandemic changed market behavior
    • Statistical and analytical needs: usually, the more data the better 

    Trying to thread a solution for all of these needs, I suggest retaining as much granular data as your policies allow. After that period, aggregation or anonymization can enable keeping data for a longer period, depending on your analytical needs.

    We have AMI data older than seven years, but only a fraction of our customers had smart meters that long ago. I find that older data is useful for observing historical trends and teasing out possible forces of change, but that is more to satisfy curiosity than business need. Data older than seven years becomes less relevant for current business planning because of market changes, technology changes, and climate changes.

    Did I successfully avoid answering your question?

    Gary Rector
    Data Scientist
    Salt River Project
    Original Message:
    Sent: 01-21-2021 10:42
    From: kate lemay
    Subject: AMI data retention?

    Hey Utility Analytics Friends,

    How much AMI data do your retain? We currently have a large archive and are trying to figure out how much is actually useful for analytics. If you have a limited history, do you summarize the farther back history? We are debating between summarizing data past 7 years or purging it. I’d love to learn how others have handled this and if there’s really any use case for AMI data farther than 7 years back.

    kate lemay
    Director of Enterprise Analytics
    Black Hills Energy

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