Hear from the NFL’s VP of Broadcasting and Scheduling @ UA Summit 2021

  • Hear from the NFL’s VP of Broadcasting and Scheduling @ UA Summit 2021

    Posted by Abbie Caracostas on March 2, 2021 at 1:03 am

    UA Summit 2021 , a virtual experience, is coming up May 3-5, 2021 and we will be hearing from the NFL on how they are using mathematical optimization to solve one of the hardest scheduling problems in existence.

    Mike North, VP, Broadcast Planning & Scheduling for the National Football League (NFL) will speak about how putting together the NFL broadcasting schedule is no longer a manual process, NFL planners can now generate and analyze more than 50,000 feasible schedules despite the addition of more and more constraints every year with the switch from a linear to a parallel approach to optimization.

    If you want to hear from NFL and utility stories from, New York Power Authority, Oklahoma Gas & Electric, BC Hydro, Commonwealth Edison, Oncor Electric Delivery, Duke Energy and Salt River Project, REGISTER NOW and reference the code UAIMEMBER.

    UA Summit 2021 will take place 100% online in this year, and will include a combination of live broadcasted sessions, simulive webinars, podcasts, short interviews and videos. If you can’t participate live – NO WORRIES – all content will be available on demand through May 31, 2021.

    As a reminder, UAI Members receive unlimited complimentary registrations to the event, take advantage of an amazing UAI member benefit and get registered.

    Feel free to share this information with anyone on your team who may want to participate. If you have any questions for me – don’t hesitate to message me directly through UAI Connect!

    Abbie Caracostas
    Sr. Events Manager
    Utility Analytics Institute (UAI)
    Denver CO

    Leslie Cook (Adm) replied 3 years, 10 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Leslie Cook (Adm)

    March 2, 2021 at 7:45 am
    GIF of Help is on the way!

    Hello UAI Members — I wanted to reply to this post on “Power Quality – Outage Prediction” from 5 days ago to see if you have feedback or thoughts on the topic. I noticed this thread was unanswered, so if you missed it the first time I hope circling it back to the top will help you see it and reply to your fellow member. 

    @Brian — I’m not sure if the following sessions are exactly what you are looking for, but we do have a few webinars, Community Conversations, and past event content on UAI Connect on the topic of Outage Prediction. I have provided links below to the content in order of newest to oldest content. If you find that you don’t have access to any of these items due to them being in a specific Community, let me know and I’ll make sure you gain access. You can also search “outage prediction” on UAI Connect to find a few other items. I hope this helps! 

    Thank you!


    Leslie Cook
    Membership & Digital Engagement Manager
    Utility Analytics Institute (UAI)
    719-203-8650, lcook@utilityanalytics.com
    Original Message:
    Sent: 02-25-2021 16:54
    From: Brian Thompson
    Subject: Power Quality – Outage Prediction

    Hey all UAI members.   Our teams are working on new capabilities to predict power outages and loose neutrals with a focus on first level transformers utilizing AMI data.  We would hope to scale into outage predictions for the larger network but currently are trying to keep things simple.

    Have any of you had the opportunity to successfully implement such a program.  If so what are the results?    Would be very interested to speak to any of you in the community that may already have experience with this.   Hope you all are doing well after the cold weather if you had to deal with that in your respective territories and appreciate the feedback that this community always has for these kinds of questions.

    Brian Thompson

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