Upcoming September 23 Kickoff Meeting – What You Need To Know!

  • Upcoming September 23 Kickoff Meeting – What You Need To Know!

    Posted by Kevin Praet (Adm) on September 16, 2020 at 3:35 am

    Hello UAI Asset Health Analytics Community Members,


    We could not be more excited to kick-off the UAI Asset Health Analytics Community! For our first meeting, we think it is important to spend some time getting to know each other, which in turn will help us better connect and collaborate during future monthly Community Conversations. This first Community Conversation on September 23 is a special opportunity to introduce yourself and share your successes, challenges, and topics of interest that will help us build a foundation for success for future Community programs.   


    Please review the below information to properly prep for the first Asset Health Analytics Community Conversation on September 23 at 2:00 PM CT.

    In the meantime, I will send you Microsoft Teams Meeting login information for this online event, so keep an eye out.


    Come prepared to share the following on September 23. We will spend a couple of minutes on each member, so preparing in advance will help keep us on task. The community leadership team and UAI staff will go first to help break the ice!  

    • Name
    • Company
    • Title/Role
    • Share one interesting thing that recently happened in your life – examples: I recently got a swim spa at my house or I recently adopted a new puppy (I did not get a new puppy, but this was a fun example) 😊
    • Please describe one recent success that you have experienced within your role, team, or organization regarding asset health analytics
    • Please describe one of your biggest challenges that you will face over the next year within your role, team, or organization as it relates to asset health analytics
    • What is one topic that you would like to hear discussed during a future Asset Health Analytics Community Conversation?


    Please find a couple of meeting preparation notes that will help you better prepare:

    • When it is your turn, quickly go through the first four bullets above, because we definitely want to spend the majority of our time on the last three bullets. We will capture notes on the last three bullets
    • This Community Conversation on September 23 is a special 90-minute session, which will ensure we have enough time to go around the virtual “room” and allow everyone on the call to share
    • Arrive a few minutes early if you can, because we will try to start promptly at the start time, again to ensure everyone gets a chance to share
    • If you can and want to, please join us on audio AND video during this call
    • Don’t underestimate the value of “face-to-face” interaction. It allows the entire group to become familiar with one another, which in turn will help create meaningful relationships that leave all members feeling more satisfied.
    • Please know we want this to be a comfortable environment, so if you don’t want to or cannot join us via video that is okay. It is not required.


    Please know this exercise during our first Asset Health Analytics Community Conversation on September 23 will accomplish a couple of important things:


    1. It will help the members of this Community get to know each other better, which in turn will:
    • Build trust between members; boosting productivity, communication, and cohesion
    • Help strengthen the engagement of the members participating in this community, increasing our collaboration during meetings
    • Help you gain more value out of the topic discussions in the future, because more sharing is taking place due to the outcomes of really getting to know one another
    • Help you build lifelong professional relationships, so you have a core group to reach out to anytime you need help


    1. It will help us learn about each other’s recent successes and upcoming challenges:
    • This will help us all better understand where we are within our analytics journey and what problems we are trying to solve
    • This will also help us build out topics of discussions for future community meetings, better aligning our discussions with the things that matter most to you – real-time and future facing


    Please let us know if you have any questions. We can’t wait to see you online during the first Asset Health Analytics Community Conversation on September 23!



    Kevin Praet
    Membership Coordinator
    Utility Analytics Institute (UAI)
    Boulder CO

    Kevin Praet (Adm) replied 4 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Kevin Praet (Adm)

    September 21, 2020 at 4:08 am

    Hello Asset Health Analytics Community Members,

    I hope everyone had a nice weekend! We’re very excited to kickoff our Asset Health Analytics Community with you Wednesday, September 23rd at 2:00 PM CT and look forward to hearing your voice in our “Getting to Know You” exercise. This community has been welcoming new members every day and we’re pleased to already see a huge amount of diversity. As a reminder, and for those members just joining, the below is our agenda for Wednesday’s exercise. I have provided the Microsoft Teams link at the bottom of the message and on the original invite. If you’re not seeing on your calendar, reach out to me ASAP so we can be sure to send.




    Come prepared to share the following on September 23. We will spend a couple of minutes on each member, so preparing in advance will help keep us on task. The community leadership team and UAI staff will go first to help break the ice!  

    • Name
    • Company
    • Title/Role
    • Share one interesting thing that recently happened in your life – examples: I recently got a swim spa at my house or I recently adopted a new puppy (I did not get a new puppy, but this was a fun example) 😊
    • Please describe one recent success that you have experienced within your role, team, or organization regarding asset health analytics
    • Please describe one of your biggest challenges that you will face over the next year within your role, team, or organization as it relates to asset health analytics
    • What is one topic that you would like to hear discussed during a future Asset Health Analytics Community Conversation?


    Please find a couple of meeting preparation notes that will help you better prepare:

    • When it is your turn, quickly go through the first four bullets above, because we definitely want to spend the majority of our time on the last three bullets. We will capture notes on the last three bullets
    • This Community Conversation on September 23 is a special 90-minute session, which will ensure we have enough time to go around the virtual “room” and allow everyone on the call to share
    • Arrive a few minutes early if you can, because we will try to start promptly at the start time, again to ensure everyone gets a chance to share
    • If you can and want to, please join us on audio AND video during this call
    • Don’t underestimate the value of “face-to-face” interaction. It allows the entire group to become familiar with one another, which in turn will help create meaningful relationships that leave all members feeling more satisfied.
    • Please know we want this to be a comfortable environment, so if you don’t want to or cannot join us via video that is okay. It is not required.


    Please know we want this to be a comfortable environment, so if you don’t want to or cannot join us via video that is okay. It is not required.

    Join Microsoft Teams Meeting

    +1 920-393-6243   United States, Green Bay (Toll)

    Conference ID: 766 876 74#

    Local numbers | Reset PIN | Learn more about Teams | Meeting options


    Thanks and I look forward to connecting Wednesday!

    Kevin Praet
    Membership Coordinator
    Utility Analytics Institute (UAI)
    Boulder CO
    Original Message:
    Sent: 09-16-2020 15:34
    From: Kevin Praet
    Subject: Upcoming September 23 Kickoff Meeting – What You Need To Know!

    Hello UAI Asset Health Analytics Community Members,


    We could not be more excited to kick-off the UAI Asset Health Analytics Community! For our first meeting, we think it is important to spend some time getting to know each other, which in turn will help us better connect and collaborate during future monthly Community Conversations. This first Community Conversation on September 23 is a special opportunity to introduce yourself and share your successes, challenges, and topics of interest that will help us build a foundation for success for future Community programs.   


    Please review the below information to properly prep for the first Asset Health Analytics Community Conversation on September 23 at 2:00 PM CT.

    In the meantime, I will send you Microsoft Teams Meeting login information for this online event, so keep an eye out.


    Come prepared to share the following on September 23. We will spend a couple of minutes on each member, so preparing in advance will help keep us on task. The community leadership team and UAI staff will go first to help break the ice!  

    • Name
    • Company
    • Title/Role
    • Share one interesting thing that recently happened in your life – examples: I recently got a swim spa at my house or I recently adopted a new puppy (I did not get a new puppy, but this was a fun example) 😊
    • Please describe one recent success that you have experienced within your role, team, or organization regarding asset health analytics
    • Please describe one of your biggest challenges that you will face over the next year within your role, team, or organization as it relates to asset health analytics
    • What is one topic that you would like to hear discussed during a future Asset Health Analytics Community Conversation?


    Please find a couple of meeting preparation notes that will help you better prepare:

    • When it is your turn, quickly go through the first four bullets above, because we definitely want to spend the majority of our time on the last three bullets. We will capture notes on the last three bullets
    • This Community Conversation on September 23 is a special 90-minute session, which will ensure we have enough time to go around the virtual “room” and allow everyone on the call to share
    • Arrive a few minutes early if you can, because we will try to start promptly at the start time, again to ensure everyone gets a chance to share
    • If you can and want to, please join us on audio AND video during this call
    • Don’t underestimate the value of “face-to-face” interaction. It allows the entire group to become familiar with one another, which in turn will help create meaningful relationships that leave all members feeling more satisfied.
    • Please know we want this to be a comfortable environment, so if you don’t want to or cannot join us via video that is okay. It is not required.


    Please know this exercise during our first Asset Health Analytics Community Conversation on September 23 will accomplish a couple of important things:


    1. It will help the members of this Community get to know each other better, which in turn will:
    • Build trust between members; boosting productivity, communication, and cohesion
    • Help strengthen the engagement of the members participating in this community, increasing our collaboration during meetings
    • Help you gain more value out of the topic discussions in the future, because more sharing is taking place due to the outcomes of really getting to know one another
    • Help you build lifelong professional relationships, so you have a core group to reach out to anytime you need help


    1. It will help us learn about each other’s recent successes and upcoming challenges:
    • This will help us all better understand where we are within our analytics journey and what problems we are trying to solve
    • This will also help us build out topics of discussions for future community meetings, better aligning our discussions with the things that matter most to you – real-time and future facing


    Please let us know if you have any questions. We can’t wait to see you online during the first Asset Health Analytics Community Conversation on September 23!



    Kevin Praet
    Membership Coordinator
    Utility Analytics Institute (UAI)
    Boulder CO

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