Upcoming October 13th Customer Analytics Meeting

  • Upcoming October 13th Customer Analytics Meeting

    Posted by Kevin Praet (Adm) on October 6, 2020 at 6:11 am

    Hello UAI Customer Analytics Community Members,


    I hope all is well! This is just a quick reminder to join us next week, Tuesday, October 13th at 11:00 AM CT, for our “Customer Analytics Solve my Problem” exercise. Special thanks to our Community Sponsors/Leaders (listed below) for facilitating and helping to organize.

    During the exercise, we will be addressing the challenges brought about in our “Getting to Know You Survey” and kickoff meeting. Please see below for a full session description. 

    Community Sponsors:

    • Sponsor: Tim Krall,Director of Customer Analytics – Exelon Utilities
    • Sponsor:Jeff Yankley, Director of Customer Intelligence and Analytics – Consumers Energy


    Community Leaders:

    Session Description:

    Join the Customer Analytics Community on Tuesday, October 13th at 11:00 AM CT for an interactive “Solve My Problem” exercise facilitated by Community Sponsors and Leaders and UAI staff. The session described below has been designed with input directly from members of the Customer Analytics Community which was captured from the “Getting to Know You” survey and exercise during the kick-off Community Conversation.


    The “Solve My Problem” session will be delivered in a way that will encourage partnered collaboration between members to come up with solutions and/or action plans to help members solve real-time “problems” (“problems” can be interchangeable with the word “challenges”). During conversations about the “problems”, members will showcase their successes, share experiences and lessons learned, and gain valuable insights from the supportive and knowledgeable group of peers meeting during this Community Conversation. We encourage open, interactive dialogue throughout the exercise to create a vibrant and collaborative environment, and to ensure everyone in attendance receives an opportunity to voice their opinions and ideas.


    During this interactive exercise, attendees will divide into two different groups in two different virtual breakout rooms. Each group will tackle one “problem”, coming up with solutions and/or action plans that can be used to address the “problem”. After each group concludes their discussion on the “problems” in their breakout rooms, each group will reconvene in the main conference room to share the findings from their discussion. 


    Come prepared to discuss the following “problems” for the Customer Analytics Community “Solve My Problem” exercise!


    Problem #1/Group #1:

    • COVID:
    • What have you learned from COVID, and what is one process that has changed that will change the way your utility will do business long-term?
    • What does a post COVID world look like with regard to payment trends and how does that impact our companies?


    Problem #2/Group #2:

    • Prioritizing and Meeting High Demands with Limited Resources
    • How are you meeting high demands with a small team (aka Too Much Demand, Not Enough Supply); especially as you are faced with challenges like customer hardship (more arrearages, increased bad debt, inability to pay)?
    • Many members stated that they have limited resources and competing priorities. How do you prioritize work, especially as it relates to customer analytics


    I’ll be providing our Microsoft Teams link one day prior to the meeting. If you have any questions in the meantime please reach out and let us know.


    Kevin Praet
    Membership Coordinator
    Utility Analytics Institute (UAI)
    Boulder CO

    Kevin Praet (Adm) replied 4 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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