Discussions about COVID-19 – What Questions Do You Have?

  • Discussions about COVID-19 – What Questions Do You Have?

    Posted by Leslie Cook (Adm) on April 22, 2020 at 3:27 am

    Dear Data Science Community Members, 

    There is a desire by UAI members to have a discussion with their fellow members regarding COVID-19. So far, we have heard that members want to understand what other members are doing analytically in response to the COVID-19 pandemic; members want to know how it is affecting certain types of utilities, and other members want to understand what data modeling others are doing for COVID-19 analytics. Some members want to have a high-level strategic discussion, while others want to get a little more granular in the discussion. UAI wants to help bring you together, in your desired type of discussion. In order to do this, we need to better understand what you want to learn from your fellow UAI members.

    Can you please reply to this post to include questions that you have for other members regarding COVID-19? This will help us pull together some meetings to have collaborative discussions with each other. The plan is to add some virtual meetings during May to allow for these discussions to take place between you. By replying with your specific COVID-19 questions, we can coordinate a couple of different focused discussions that match how you would like to connect.

    Thanks so much! We look forward to your replies.



    Leslie Cook
    Membership & Digital Engagement Manager
    Utility Analytics Institute (UAI)
    719-203-8650, lcook@endeavorb2b.com

    Kaz Shakir replied 4 years, 9 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Kaz Shakir

    April 22, 2020 at 5:43 am

    I think someone on our call, this week, mentioned impacts on forecasting.  That’s a primary area that I am interested in as well.  Specifically, how are load forecasts being adjusted for the impacts of COVID-19 given the fact that there is very limited data available – are you waiting for more data, or are you making assumptions based on current knowledge?  And what sort of assumptions are you making regarding the persistence of COVID-19 impacts – are you assuming a “new normal”, meaning that you expect permanent changes to your load; or do you expect that load should “revert to the mean” after 2, 3, 5, years?  And do you expect revenue to be a direct function of loads, or are you factoring in greater defaults/deferrals as a result of large portions of the economy potentially facing financial hardship or, even, bankruptcy?   Finally, do you plan to develop strategies for regulatory recovery – meaning building the case for rate increases to cover the impacts of these changes?

    Kaz Shakir
    Sr. Program Manager, Power Operations Asset Planning
    The Tennessee Valley Authority
    Original Message:
    Sent: 04-22-2020 15:26
    From: Leslie Cook
    Subject: Discussions about COVID-19 – What Questions Do You Have?

    Dear Data Science Community Members,

    There is a desire by UAI members to have a discussion with their fellow members regarding COVID-19. So far, we have heard that members want to understand what other members are doing analytically in response to the COVID-19 pandemic; members want to know how it is affecting certain types of utilities, and other members want to understand what data modeling others are doing for COVID-19 analytics. Some members want to have a high-level strategic discussion, while others want to get a little more granular in the discussion. UAI wants to help bring you together, in your desired type of discussion. In order to do this, we need to better understand what you want to learn from your fellow UAI members.

    Can you please reply to this post to include questions that you have for other members regarding COVID-19? This will help us pull together some meetings to have collaborative discussions with each other. The plan is to add some virtual meetings during May to allow for these discussions to take place between you. By replying with your specific COVID-19 questions, we can coordinate a couple of different focused discussions that match how you would like to connect.

    Thanks so much! We look forward to your replies.



    Leslie Cook
    Membership & Digital Engagement Manager
    Utility Analytics Institute (UAI)
    719-203-8650, lcook@endeavorb2b.com

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