July Data Science Meeting Now on Demand + What’s Next

  • July Data Science Meeting Now on Demand + What’s Next

    Posted by Kevin Praet (Adm) on July 23, 2020 at 5:39 am

    Hello Data Science Community Members,

    Thank you to everyone who took time to join us this past Tuesday for our discussion around Customer Modeling. For those unable to attend, Jeff Yankley (Director of Customer Intelligence and Analytics at Consumers Energy) led the discussion while focusing on two major Consumers Energy use cases; “Residential Demand Response (DR) Recommender Model” and “Predicting customer risks due to effects of COVID-19.” Throughout the meeting, Jeff honed in on these areas discussing key objectives, challenges, and lessons learned. Get caught up on the meeting here in the Online Data Science Community and be sure to keep the discussion going on the group forum.

    I know I sent this link after the meeting but for those who have yet to complete, please take a minute and give us your feedback in our community evaluation form below. Your feedback is essential for the growth of the Data Science Community.




    Next month, August 18th, we will be having a discussion on “Establishing a Career Path for Analysts and Upskilling Your Team ” and have provided a brief description below. More info will be made available closer to the meeting.


    Join the Data Science Community to hear success stories from UAI member utilities on how they established career paths for analysts/data scientists and how they have helped their teams improve and learn new skills. The session will include information on career development, people/talent development in analytics, and upskilling your team.


    UAI Awards:

    (Nomination deadline now extended through August, 17th)


    Honor the very best in the utility analytics profession, recognizing the individuals, teams, and organizations that have achieved and maintained the highest standards of excellence through innovation. For more information and nominations, visit our site here!


    UAI Research Study:


    In an effort to better serve you, UAI is conducting a short research study to understand your information needs. As a token of our appreciation, each participant may enter a drawing to win one of four $100 Visa gift cards. The survey should take about 10 minutes to complete. Thank you in advance!



    If you have any questions please let us know otherwise we thank you for your continued involvement and look forward to connecting next month.



    Kevin Praet
    Membership Coordinator
    Utility Analytics Institute (UAI)
    Boulder CO

    Kevin Praet (Adm) replied 4 years, 6 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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