Upcoming October (2022) Community Conversation

  • Upcoming October (2022) Community Conversation

    Posted by Kevin Praet (Adm) on October 5, 2022 at 3:56 am

    Hello Grid Analytics Community Members,

    I hope all is well! With October just kicking off, I wanted to reach out and get you excited for this month’s Community Conversation taking place LIVE and in-person, Tuesday October 18 at 2:15 PM PT at Utility Analytics Week. This in-person session will feature two exciting parts:

    Part 1: “Outage Prediction Using DA Devices and Fault Sensors” – Presentation with Q&A and open discussion led by Tom Mahar, Data Scientist at ComEd.

    Part 2: “Which provides more value to the business: dashboard analytics vs. machine learning/deep learning?” – Tabletop Exercise: Debate (Facilitated by UAI Staff)

    *Please note this session will only be taking place live at UA Week, no virtual option will be available. If you plan on joining this session, but have not yet registered for UA Week, you can do so using the link below.

    Register For Utility Analytics Week: https://www.utilityanalyticsweek.com/2022/registration

    I’ll be providing more information on this session one week prior but you can always learn more about our upcoming Community Conversations on our Events Page HERE.

    If you have any questions in the meantime please reach out to me at kpraet@utilityanalytics.com.



    Kevin Praet
    Membership Coordinator
    Utility Analytics Institute (UAI)
    Boulder CO

    Kevin Praet (Adm) replied 2 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Kevin Praet (Adm)

    October 11, 2022 at 4:23 am

    Hello Grid Analytics Community Members,

    I hope all is well! We are one week away from our in-person October (2022) Grid Analytics Community Conversation (co located at UA Week) and want to get you excited about the session taking place. On Tuesday, October 18 at 2:15 PT, we will feature a two part session hitting on the following areas:

    Part 1: “Outage Prediction Using DA Devices and Fault Sensors” – Presentation with Q&A and open discussion led by Tom Mahar, Data Scientist at ComEd.

    Part 2: “Which provides more value to the business: dashboard analytics vs. machine learning/deep learning?” – Tabletop Exercise: Debate (Facilitated by UAI Staff)

    Learn more about this session and our speaker below!

    Session Description:

    PART 1: Join the Grid Analytics Community on Tuesday, October 18, 2022 during UA Week in San Diego, CA for a presentation with Q&A and open discussion on “Outage Prediction Using DA Devices and Fault Sensors ” with Tom Mahar, Data Scientist at ComEd.
    ComEd has developed an algorithm and visualization tool that finds areas of repeat fault activity for field inspection. Certain faults tend to be repetitive such as improperly tensioned spans that slap together in the wind. By identifying these fault signatures and correcting the issue future outages can be prevented.
    Session Takeaways:
    – How to identify frequent fault zones
    – Tips when trying to identify potential problems and sift through noise
    – Know the signs of damage that indicate a problem exists
    PART 2: Join the Grid Analytics Community on Tuesday, October 18, 2022 at UA Week in San Diego to participate in a debate. Attendees will be split into two groups where they will work together to draft up an argument, for vs. against, to defend an important analytics topic or situation. Each group will have 20 minutes to work collaboratively to draft their argument and select a presenter(s) from within their group, and then each group will have 10 minutes to share their views (a fast paced 40 minutes).
    Be prepared to exercise your innovative thinking and come with an open mind, as you may be purposefully put on the “for” team when you are actually “against” it and vice versa to help you think constructively to promote further development and advancement. Ultimately, we want to help you meet more people during this timeframe, take part in an interesting, informative, and collaborative activity, and most importantly to have some fun. The topic for the Grid Analytics Community is “Which provides more value to the business: dashboard analytics vs. machine learning/deep learning?”.

    Speaker: Tom Mahar, Data Scientist (ComEd)

    Tom Mahar is a Data Scientist at ComEd. Tom holds his bachelor’s degree in engineering from the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign and has 10 years’ experience in the electrical utilities space. His current work focuses on utilizing analytics to make the distribution system more reliable and he also has extensive experience in distribution system planning and design. Tom has implemented several successful use cases at ComEd; including machine learning models for prioritizing asset replacements and field verified outage prediction models. Tom believes utilities can deliver value to customers by focusing on practical applications for data and by embracing a DIY approach. 

    Please note this session will only be taking place live at UA Week, no virtual option will be available. If you plan on joining this session, but have not yet registered for UA Week, you can do so using the link HERE.

    If you have any questions please let us know.


    Kevin Praet
    Membership Coordinator
    Utility Analytics Institute (UAI)
    Boulder CO
    Original Message:
    Sent: 10-05-2022 15:56
    From: Kevin Praet
    Subject: Upcoming October (2022) Community Conversation

    Hello Grid Analytics Community Members,

    I hope all is well! With October just kicking off, I wanted to reach out and get you excited for this month’s Community Conversation taking place LIVE and in-person, Tuesday October 18 at 2:15 PM PT at Utility Analytics Week. This in-person session will feature two exciting parts:

    Part 1: “Outage Prediction Using DA Devices and Fault Sensors” – Presentation with Q&A and open discussion led by Tom Mahar, Data Scientist at ComEd.

    Part 2: “Which provides more value to the business: dashboard analytics vs. machine learning/deep learning?” – Tabletop Exercise: Debate (Facilitated by UAI Staff)

    *Please note this session will only be taking place live at UA Week, no virtual option will be available. If you plan on joining this session, but have not yet registered for UA Week, you can do so using the link below.

    Register For Utility Analytics Week: https://www.utilityanalyticsweek.com/2022/registration

    I’ll be providing more information on this session one week prior but you can always learn more about our upcoming Community Conversations on our Events Page HERE.

    If you have any questions in the meantime please reach out to me at kpraet@utilityanalytics.com.



    Kevin Praet
    Membership Coordinator
    Utility Analytics Institute (UAI)
    Boulder CO

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