HUG Designer’s Corner, CSS Squad, and HL Themes

  • HUG Designer’s Corner, CSS Squad, and HL Themes

    Posted by zzzsystemhigherlogic-orgzzz System on October 30, 2017 at 1:04 am

    Designer’s Corner

    Once you have an account on HUG, you will be able to join the Designer’s Corner community, in which other Higher Logic users and the CSS Squad share tips on Higher Logic site design.

    Here are some threads that feature advanced design elements:

    Displaying Testimonials on Home Page

    Countdown Clock Widget

    Embeddable Poll Suggestion

    Adding an Image in the Nav Bar  

    Carousel customization: how to remove arrows, gradients and bullets


    Here is some additional information on the three themes that are also available for you to customize and apply to site. These themes were designed by eConverse Media specifically for Higher Logic’s software.

    To apply: choose the theme in the site setup area and  then apply your color choices through Color Picker.  Then finish the job with a handful of CSS tweaks in the Override CSS area as desired.

    You can also take the menu approach to your site’s design- pick and choose your favorite elements from each theme and combine theme into one through the use of CSS and copy/paste.

    Network Theme

    Description: Powerful and forward.  Ideal for a main site, the Network Theme delivers a truly new and fresh version of the Higher Logic baseline.  Emphasis is on bold modern presentation. Navigation and header centering anticipates mobile users while rewarding desktop users with solid backgrounds. Profile pictures are displayed with circular formatting across controls.  

    View and download support documentation/design elements here.

    Affiliate Theme

    Description: Traditional but updated. With choices reflecting chapter or section website, the Affiliate Theme reflects an evolution of the Higher Logic palate. The H2 underlining will be familiar to long-time clients while background elements break up the home page and revitalize the look.  Home page content presentation emphasizes priorities of organizational subgroups. Under a skinny header bar the carousel slideshow is front-and-center but shares top-billing with the upcoming events list.

    View and download support documentation/design elements here.

    Experience Theme

    Description: Going places. It only made sense to introduce a theme inspired by and dedicated to the needs of organizational events. Above the fold, the home and internal pages are an event marketer’s dream.  A broad space ready to show the bold imagery that makes people buy tickets. The uncrowded home page has space carved out for a countdown clock and sponsor recognition.

    View and download support documentation/design elements here.


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