Upcoming March 23rd Safety Analytics Community Conversation

  • Upcoming March 23rd Safety Analytics Community Conversation

    Posted by Kevin Praet (Adm) on March 15, 2021 at 2:14 am

    Hello Safety Analytics Community Members,

    I hope all is well! We have a very exciting Community Conversation planned this month and hope you all can join us. On Tuesday, March 23rd at 2:00 PM CT, we’ll be joined by Community Sponsor Ankush Agarwal, Director, T&D Analytics at Exelon Utilities, who will be facilitating our March “Solve My Problem” exercise. This exercise will explore three problems/challenges brought about by Safety Analytics Community members during our January (2021) Getting to Know Your Exercise. Please see below to learn more about this upcoming session.

    Session Description:

    The “Solve My Problem” session will be delivered in a way that will encourage partnered collaboration between members to come up with solutions and/or action plans to help members solve real-time “problems”. During conversations about the “problems”, we encourage members to showcase their successes, share experiences and lessons learned. We encourage open, interactive dialogue throughout the exercise to create a vibrant and collaborative environment, and to ensure everyone in attendance receives an opportunity to voice their opinions and ideas. The ultimate goal is that you gain valuable insights from the supportive and knowledgeable group of peers meeting during this Community Conversation.

    Come prepared to discuss the following “problems” during the Safety Analytics Community “Solve My Problem” exercise!

      • Problem #1: Data Governance challenges
        • How do you handle “getting access to data” within your utility?
        • How do you manage “data quality” and “data completeness”, and how are you keeping your data clean (data cleanliness) and storing data (data storage)?
        • Has your data been digitized and connected? What data capturing systems/apps are you using? How are you managing them?
      • Problem #2: People/Culture challenges
        • What are you recommendations for “getting top down buy-in”? How are you handling the “adoption of leveraging data, analysis and qualifying data, personnel accountability” within your utility?
        • How are you handling “change management” around the adoption of safety analytics and going fully digital? i.e. a culture change to provide data using technology and helping field crews to fully embrace digital, so things don’t seem ‘big brother’ or pointing out flaws rather than opportunities for improvement?
        • How do you handle “time management, i.e. Our safety department is small and getting to the next level of safety analytics will be slow as people wear many hats and don’t have much time to dedicate solely to analytics?” How do you “make sure safety analytics are user-friendly, understandable and useful for consumers (safety managers, etc.)”?
      • Problem #3: Leading/lagging Indicators for Safety Performance and Safety Observation Data
        • What leading indicators are being used in conjunction with lagging indicators to give an overall picture of safety performance?
        • How is safety observation data being utilized?   


    We’ll be providing a Microsoft Teams Link prior to our meeting but if you have any questions in the meantime please let us know.

    Thanks and we look forward to connecting!

    Kevin Praet
    Membership Coordinator
    Utility Analytics Institute (UAI)
    Boulder CO

    Kevin Praet (Adm) replied 3 years, 10 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Kevin Praet (Adm)

    March 22, 2021 at 5:35 am

    Hello Safety Analytics Community Members,

    Happy Monday and I hope everyone had a nice weekend! I just wanted to send a quick reminder for our “Solve My Problem” exercise tomorrow at 2:00 PM CT. I’ve provided our Microsoft Teams link below and on our calendar placeholder. If you have any questions or issues joining please let me know.


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    Thanks and I look forward to connecting! 

    Kevin Praet
    Membership Coordinator
    Utility Analytics Institute (UAI)
    Boulder CO
    Original Message:
    Sent: 03-15-2021 14:14
    From: Kevin Praet
    Subject: Upcoming March 23rd Safety Analytics Community Conversation

    Hello Safety Analytics Community Members,

    I hope all is well! We have a very exciting Community Conversation planned this month and hope you all can join us. On Tuesday, March 23rd at 2:00 PM CT, we’ll be joined by Community Sponsor Ankush Agarwal, Director, T&D Analytics at Exelon Utilities, who will be facilitating our March “Solve My Problem” exercise. This exercise will explore three problems/challenges brought about by Safety Analytics Community members during our January (2021) Getting to Know Your Exercise. Please see below to learn more about this upcoming session.

    Session Description:

    The “Solve My Problem” session will be delivered in a way that will encourage partnered collaboration between members to come up with solutions and/or action plans to help members solve real-time “problems”. During conversations about the “problems”, we encourage members to showcase their successes, share experiences and lessons learned. We encourage open, interactive dialogue throughout the exercise to create a vibrant and collaborative environment, and to ensure everyone in attendance receives an opportunity to voice their opinions and ideas. The ultimate goal is that you gain valuable insights from the supportive and knowledgeable group of peers meeting during this Community Conversation.

    Come prepared to discuss the following “problems” during the Safety Analytics Community “Solve My Problem” exercise!

    • Problem #1: Data Governance challenges
    • How do you handle “getting access to data” within your utility?
    • How do you manage “data quality”?
    • What does “data completeness” look like within your utility?
    • How are you keeping your data clean (data cleanliness) and storing data (data storage)?
    • What data capturing systems/apps are you using? How are you managing them?
    • “Having data at all.”  (I’m not sure how to pose a question around this one)
  • Problem #2: People/Culture challenges
    • What are you recommendations for “getting top down buy-in”?
    • How are you handling “change management, i.e. changing the culture to provide data using technology”?
    • How are you handling “Culture change, i.e. embracing the fully digital by field crews is seen as ‘big brother’ or pointing out flaws rather than opportunities for improvement?”
    • How do you handle “time management, i.e. Our safety department is small and getting to the next level of safety analytics will be slow as people wear many hats and don’t have much time to dedicate solely to analytics?”
    • How are you handling “change management, i.e. the adoption of safety analytics” within your utility?
    • How are you handling the “adoption of leveraging data, analysis and qualifying data, personnel accountability” within your utility?
    • How do you “make sure safety analytics are user-friendly, understandable and useful for consumers (safety managers, etc.)”?
  • Problem #3: Leading/lagging Indicators for Safety Performance and Safety Observation Data
    • What leading indicators are being used in conjunction with lagging indicators to give an overall picture of safety performance?


    We’ll be providing a Microsoft Teams Link prior to our meeting but if you have any questions in the meantime please let us know.

    Thanks and we look forward to connecting!

Kevin Praet
Membership Coordinator
Utility Analytics Institute (UAI)
Boulder CO

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