November (2023) Member Spotlight: Ann Toy (Evergy)

  • November (2023) Member Spotlight: Ann Toy (Evergy)

    Posted by Kevin Praet (Adm) on November 3, 2023 at 10:00 am

    @Ann is an active UAI member and provides outstanding influence and contributions to the UAI community through any of our multiple channels, including, but not limited to engagement on UAI Connect, volunteering with UAI, involvement and/or leadership in monthly Community Conversations, and/or speaking at UAI events, plus so much more. As thanks, we are featuring her in the UAI Member Spotlight. Ann is a Lead Business Translator at Evergy where she works with business partners and the centers of excellence to facilitate conversations and focus on their technology and analytics strategic initiatives.    

    Kevin: How did you get into the utility analytics industry?

    Ann: In my previous role at Evergy as an internal auditor, I was asked to begin using data and analytics as part of our audit program.  I had previous experience as an external auditor with Deloitte using analytics to detect fraud in journal entries.  We began using data and analytics internally to test transactions and identify potential areas of risk.  From there my interest grew and I started gaining an understanding of where within the utility we were implementing more robust data and analytics programs.  I moved out of audit into a role with Enterprise Analytics in 2020 where my focus was to help facilitate and build out our technology and data analytics strategic initiatives.    

    Kevin: What project have you enjoyed working on most in your career?

    Ann: My first project in this role was to develop what we call “Evergy Analytics University” or EAU.  We wanted to build a curriculum to provide all Evergy employees with a path to learn rapidly advancing concepts and technologies needed to implement data analytics and technology.  As an organization we were trying to move from an experienced based to a data driven or data informed decision-making environment.  This project combined my passion for learning and teaching with my passion for data and analytics.  I love seeing students graduate through our program and begin their analytic journey with the knowledge we have shared with them. 

    Kevin: What has been your biggest professional challenge and how did you work through it?

    Ann: I feel like I have been lucky in my career and while I have had day-to-day challenges and high-points and low-points in my career I don’t feel like I have had any significant challenges.  Changing roles and departments, figuring out new management styles can always provide some bumps in the road. When I moved into this role it was February of 2020 – the transition took a very unusual turn as you can imagine about a month into the role.  I was working from home, with 3 kids and a husband all at home as well while trying to figure out a new role and a new boss.  I had a great leader and team and we all just pushed through it and made it work.  Balancing my personal life and professional life is a challenge.  I want to give both 100% and that just isn’t possible.  Coming to terms that at times work is going to come first and at other times it will be my family and ensuring that one doesn’t always outweigh the other is the balance I strive for every day. 

    Kevin: If you could go back in time and give yourself one piece of advice before entering the utility analytics industry, what would it be?

    Ann: Slow and steady wins the race – This industry doesn’t always move at the quickest pace but if you keep at it and have the right support, things will happen.  I remember reading an article in one of my first masters classes in business intelligence about how the utility and the telecom industry were both data rich environments but were behind other industries in adopting business intelligence and analytics.  That was in 2017.  We have come so far since then and as an industry, we have really started to pick up the pace in our adoption in the last 5 years.  It is exciting to see and it is organizations like UAI that have really accelerated our ability to adapt.  While we still have a long way to go, I have really enjoyed seeing this change come to life.

    Kevin: What would you like to talk to fellow colleagues and members about in UAI Connect? Or, what issues or topics would you like to see more discussions on in UAI Connect?

    Ann: Something I am passionate about is how to continue to grow and engage our analytic talent and keep them as part of our organization.  I know this has been a struggle as we build out talent and they either move to other areas of the business or other industries.  How do we make sure our teams are supported and getting what they need? They have great ideas and passion for their work so how do we make sure they feel rewarded and challenged (but not overwhelmed)?

    Kevin: Thank you so much for sharing with us and for being a highly engaged member of UAI!

    Do you have any final thoughts, ideas, or comments you would like to share with your fellow UAI members?

    Ann: I appreciate the opportunity to share a little about my work and myself.  I am grateful to UAI and all they have done to help Evergy and myself in our analytics journey.

    Kevin Praet
    Membership Coordinator
    Utility Analytics Institute (UAI)
    Boulder CO

    Kevin Praet (Adm) replied 1 year, 2 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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