Obtaining Value From Smart, Connected Power Plant Assets
Please join Utility Analytics Institute members CPS Energy and Duke Energy for a presentation on how analytics is transforming power generation operations at both organizations. We will hear about CPS’ journey of concept to deployment of near-real-time situational awareness of daily operations and emissions for its renewable and fossil generation fleet. Additionally, we will hear about Duke’s technology and analytics strategy for its fossil/hydro fleet, including its enhancement of on-line monitoring capabilities, as well as new value opportunities that can only be enabled through analytics. This webcast will shine light on the many opportunities yet to be accessed through enhancing analytics within power generation.
- Amelia Badders, Director of Commercial Analytics and Pricing for the market operations division, CPS Energy
- Arun Schipse, Data Analytics Program Manager, CPS Energy
- Michael Reid, General Manager of Technical Programs for Fossil Hydro, Duke Energy
Slides available to members upon request.